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  • COVID 19 health essential
  • Post author
    Beacons Health

COVID 19 health essential

COVID 19 health essential

The emergence of COVID-19 variants is a constant cause for concern. As such, we are encouraged to stay vigilant towards COVID-19. Here are a list of essential items to keep yourself ready in the midst of COVID-19.

  1. Thermometer

Fever is one of the most common symptoms of coronavirus. Use a thermometer to monitor your temperature if you suspect you are ill.

  1. Oximeter

Oximeter checks the blood oxygen level and can help detect early signs of deterioration in health. When you’re exposed to COVID-19, lungs may be one of the major organs to be affected. It can cause the oxygen in your blood to drop, even if you feel generally well and do not present with other symptoms of the virus. This is known as “silent pneumonia” and if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences. Advanced age, underlying conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, pre-existing lung disease, obesity and active smokers are some risk factors.

Generally, an oxygen level between 95 – 100% is normal. Levels under 94% should be evaluated by a doctor, while levels below 90% are considered a clinical emergency and require immediate medical attention.

Hence, an oximeter can help ensure that this clinically silent early warning sign is not missed.

  1. Masks

Ensure that there are sufficient masks at home. The masks should have high filtration capability such as surgical masks, not just any cloth masks. The virus spread through respiratory droplets of infected people or asymptomatic individuals. Hence, masks are important in preventing the transmission of the virus.

  1. Hand sanitiser

You should wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Hand sanitiser with at least 60 per cent cleans much better than one with less alcohol or no alcohol in them.

  1. Cleaning, disinfection supplies

Each household should be equipped with cleaning supplies such as soap, disinfectants sprays, disinfectant wipes etc.

It is important to clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects such as doorknobs, desks, phone, keyboard. Disinfection supplies will also be critical if a member of the household is infected with Covid-19 and is recovering at home.  


There are several types of disinfectants such as:

- Alcohol-based disinfectants. Ideally, use alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol. E.g Isopropyl/Ethyl Alcohol 70%

- Benzalkonium Chloride- in common cleaning agents

- Chloroxylenol- ingredient in Dettol

- Sodium Hypochlorite- in bleaches

  1. Medication: Some people infected with COVID-19 may experience fever, body aches and headaches. Paracetamol can help relieve symptoms associated with COVID-19.
  • Post author
    Beacons Health